Standard - Ducts, Doors & Partitions
Ventilation Ducting | Dampers & Access Doors | Fire Dampers | Intumescent Fire Dampers | Standard - Ducts, Doors & Partitions
 Rectangular intumescent fire dampers suitable for installation in ducts, doors and partitions:
Key features:
- Can be used to provide up to 60 minutes resistance to fire and hot smoke. - Fits directly into door or wall apertures - No moving parts - Resistant to clogging - Excellent fire integrity and insulation performance - Slimline (40mm font to back) - Robust construction - Simple installation - Lower overall costs - Bi-directional airflow - Approx 60% free area - Complete seal achieved in approx. 5 mins. when tested in accordance with BS 476: Parts 20 & 22. and BS EN 1634-1: 2000
Materials used:
Intumescent material in a slat construction based upon sodium silicate (provides the lowest activation temperature of any intumescent material at 100° C). Encapsulated in PVC extrusions with cross section dimensions of 40mm x 6mm, assembled in the form of a matrix.
Note that LVV40 dampers must be used in a vertical orientation.
Dampers listed are commonly used sizes; other sizes are available on request. For sizes larger than 600x600 ask about multi-module LVH44 dampers.
Dampers are manufactured 2mm smaller than the nominal size to ensure a comfortable fit; e.g. a 400x400 damper will have an actual size of 398x398.
Note: In applications where a high level of humidity or moisture is anticipated it is recommended that the high performance LVH44 products be employed.
Pressure loss graphs are available on request.
Pressed steel cover grilles commonly used with these dampers can be found here.